Works 2025.01.17 Clare Owen for Fika
Works 2025.01.14 Maiko Sembokuya for DK View
Works 2025.01.10 Albion 2025 Calendar by Tifalia
フランス人イラスレーター Tifaliaが化粧品メーカーAlbionのカレンダービジュアルを担当しました。 四季折々の季節や色を表現しています。1年を通して彼女の美しい作品をご堪能ください。
Notice 2024.12.27 Kana Kobayashi for TIOVITA
Works 2024.10.28 Laura Denton for HABA
Works 2024.10.28 Naoko Yoshida for toiro
Works 2024.08.08 Maiko Sembokuya x DK View Vol 136
センボクヤマイコが第一興商社内報「DK View」の表紙イラストを担当しました。 カラオケといえば第一興商さんのDAMですよね!そんなDAMがなんと今年で30周年を迎えました。今号ではDAMの歴史ついてご紹介しております。 その場の空気感を捕らえるのが得意なセンボクヤが、今回DAMのお祝いも兼ねてカラオケの楽しい雰囲気が伝わるイラストを描きました🎶
Works 2024.08.07 Berry Aktuglu x Textiles by Sojitz
ベリー・アクトゥグルが描いた可愛いデザインが生地になりました!現在、手芸センタードリームさまより絶賛発売中です! お子様向けのお洋服やお部屋のインテリアにもお勧めです😍
Works 2024.03.18 Kiyomi Saito for Yokohama Akarenga
3月29日より横浜赤レンガ倉庫にて開催される「Flower Garden」フェアのビジュアルをさいとうきよみが担当しました。 カラフルな花々に囲まれたメルヘンな世界観を柔らかいタッチで表現しています。イベント期間中は様々な場所でさいとうのイラストを見ることができます!
Works 2024.02.19 Panasonic Beauty Omotesando x Nanase Kotono
Works 2024.01.16 Tifalia for Albion Christmas Card
Works 2023.12.07 Stina Persson for Vogue Korea Dec.
Works 2023.12.07 Maiko Sembokuya for Shop Channel 2024 Calendar
Works 2023.11.30 Orlando Hoetzel for Akarenga Christmas 2023
Works 2023.11.30 Masaki Ryo for Maigo Dog
マサキリョウがNPO法人 迷子犬の掲示板(@maigo_dog)へ寄付をしていただいた方への返礼品、”Dog in Car”のステッカーのデザインとイラストを担当しました。 自身も愛犬家であるマサキさんが一匹でも多くの犬を救えることを願って心を込めて描いたわんちゃんのイラストは、愛に溢れていて心が温まりますね。ステッカーが多くの人に届きますように。
Works 2023.08.10 Marcus Oakley x Book Cover
Works 2023.08.10 Orlando Hoetzel x ELLE JAPAN
Works 2023.11.30 Laura Denton for FANCL Summer Campaign
ローラ・デントンがファンケルの夏のノベルティポーチのイラストを手がけました。 おしゃれでキュートなイラストが女性に人気のイラストレーターです。
Works 2023.08.10 Jessie Hartland for Boul'ange 2023
Works 2023.05.16 Maiko Sembokuya x Shop Star Life
NY在住のイラストレーター センボクヤマイコがショップチャンネル会報誌「Shop Star Life」の表紙を担当することになりました。 シックでファッショナブルな洗礼されたセンスが目を引きます。買い物欲が湧きますね!
Works 2023.05.12 Jeffrey Fulvimar for FANCL
FANCLのプレゼントキャンペーンでジェフリー・フルビマーリのイラスト入りミラーをGETしよう! 黒バックにシルバーがアクセントになったオシャレなミラーです? *キャンペーン期間は終了致しました。
Works 2023.02.02 Yuri Shimojo for Carbon Accounting Adviser Institute Logo
Works 2023.01.23 Jeffrey Fulvimari for Tai Po Mega Mall Chinese New Year
中国Tao Poメガモールの春節キャンペーンにジェフリー・フルビマーリが描いた今年の干支でもある兎のイラストがブジェとして登場! 館内を華やかに彩りました。 ファニーでキュートなウサギがお客様をお迎えし、お祝いモード全開のキャンペーンになりました!
Works 2023.01.19 Stina Persson for Vogue Korea
Works 2023.01.12 Stina Persson x Hindy Weber
Hindy Weber, an organic brand from Indonesia, releases organic cosmetics with Stina Persson's illustration on the package. The chic and cool packaging is stylish enough to hang on your dresser! And it's available from their online shipments, so be sure to check them out! Hindy Weber: -
Works 2023.01.19 Orlando Hoetzel for Kyorin University 2023 Calendar
German illustrator Orlando Hoetzel has been commissioned to create the annual wall calendar for Kyorin University's 2023 academic year. He has drawn 12 pieces to fit the concept of "Truth, Goodness, and Beauty."
Works 2022.12.09 Nick Iluzada for apm
Illustrator Nick Iluzada has created the visuals for the Hong Kong APM FIFA World Cup campaign! Looking at the vibrant illustrations, you can almost hear the passionate cheering from worldwide! The illustrations have been animated and can be seen on the giant monitor installed in APM.
Works 2022.10.20 Jeffrey Fulvmari x Italian Reciepe Book
Illustrator Jeffrey Fulvimari illustrated the inside of Fabio's cookbook "Fabio Style Standard Home Cooking" Chef Fabio, famous on YouTube for "Fabio Meshi." The book features 50 recipes ranging from Neapolitan to authentic home cooking. Would you like to try authentic Italian cuisine at home? To request an illustration, please click here.
Works 2022.10.20 Kiyomi Saito x Nagaokashoten
Illustrator Kiyomi Saito has taken charge of the cover of the 2023 Household Budget Book released by Nagaoka Shoten. The theme of this year's book is "Amusement Park. I drew a scene of cute animals having a good time at an amusement park.
Works 2022.07.22 Berry Aktuglu for Covermark
Berry Aktuglu collaborates with Covermark! Covermark has launched the 2022 Summer Thanksgiving Campaign. Customers who spend 16,500 yen (including tax) or more during this campaign will receive a set of eco-bags! Berry Aktuglu, an illustrator from Germany, created the design for these cute eco-bags. The gorgeous hand-drawn pattern is lovely.
Works 2022.07.14 Laura Denton for FANCL
Laura Denton designed the pouch for the FANCL travel set, which is perfect for summer travel. The vinyl pouches are very convenient and can be used for various purposes other than cosmetics.
Works 2022.06.24 Naoko Yoshida for 3 COINS Princess Series
Naoko Yoshida was in charge of designing the princess goods recently released by 3COINS! The romantic view of the world stimulates the hearts of young girls. The store is filled with items for all five princesses. The feminine colors and delicate lines create a mature, cute, chic finish that is slightly different from the usual atmosphere.
Works 2022.06.09 Andrew Bylo for Dessin 2022 AW
Andrew Bailo created the visuals for Dessin 2022 Fall/Winter. The theme for this season is "Hampton" in the United States. Windmills and white window frames create an impressive landscape. You can see this work in the window of each store, so please visit your nearest Dessin store.
Works 2022.06.15 Jeffrey Fulvimari for Vogue Japan July issue
Jeffrey Fulvimari illustrated the "Below-the-Knee Beauty" feature in the July issue of VOGUE. The illustration has an adult atmosphere with a slightly different taste from usual. In this issue, we introduce some easy exercises you can do at home for summer. Let's have fun taking care of your legs below the knees and aim for portions free from swelling!
Works 2022.06.06 Laura Denton for ELLE Japan July Issue
Laura Denton illustrated the July issue of ELLE's "Let's Dance!" feature. Dance is a fun way to achieve body-building. The feature introduces seven genres of dance, from hippie hop to flamenco. You may find the perfect dance for you... Let's dance!
Works 2022.05.20 Jeffrey Fulvimari x Ora2 TVCM
A new TV commercial from Ora2! It also features a new character, "Stain Incarnate," portrayed by Jeffrey Fulvimari. Masks often neglect mouth care; let's improve it with Ora2! Click here to watch the video→
Instagram: Twitter:
Works 2022.05.20 Kiyomi Saito for Djeco
Kiyomi Saito has once again designed a set of three games for DJECO, a French brand of educational toys, which is also a popular series of DJECO toys. Children can enjoy learning with cute animals.
Works 2022.05.13 Kana Kobayashi for Lipovitan D Birthday Card
Taisho Pharmaceutical Direct is the official mail-order business for health foods and OTC drugs operated by Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. Taisho Pharmaceutical Direct", an official mail-order business for health foods and OTC drugs operated by Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. Kana Kobayashi was in charge of the illustration. The back of the letter is a magnet. You can cut off the part of Lipovitan D and put it on your refrigerator! You can also cut out the Lipovitan D part and stick it on your refrigerator! The illustration is gorgeous and full of energy. -
Events 2022.05.02 Kazuhiko Ifuku x Seibu Sogo
Illustrator Kazuhiko Ifuku held a portrait drawing event at the Seibu Ikebukuro and Sogo Yokohama stores on April 30 and May 1. Thank you very much for your participation! The next event will be held in June. Details will be announced at a later date.
Works 2022.05.02 Jessie Hartland x Boul'ange Limited Edition Cookie Can
Boul'ange Kinshicho pop-up store will sell cookie tins filled with cookies and other items featuring illustrations by Jessie! BOUL'ANGE x Jessie Hartland Baker's Cookie Box ¥3,000
Works 2022.04.18 Kazuhiko Ifuku for Seibu Sogo
There will also be a limited pop-up shop for Kazuhiko starting April 15th (Fri), where limited-edition umbrellas decorated with his illustrations will be available for order. Don't miss out!Four works by illustrator Kazuhiko Ifuku based on the themes of New Life, Sustainability, Mother's Day, and Father's Day will decorate the windows and interior of Sogo & Seibu from April to September. Kazuhiko's characteristic happy-go-lucky style will be on full display! Please take a look if you're in the neighborhood.
Works 2022.04.15 Clare Owen for Fika Mother's Day Packaging
Claire Owen illustrated the limited edition Mother's Day package released by Fika, a Scandinavian confectionery. The box has a gorgeous atmosphere that envelops you with tenderness and love. The box's texture and shape are also crucial for lovers who want to keep it forever. And the cookies inside are just as delicious ❤️ It Would make a great Mother's Day gift!
Works 2022.04.15 Jenny Bowers for HOLLANDISCHE KAKAO-STUBE Spring Limited Packaging
Jenny Bowers has created the packaging illustration for the Spring Limited Edition Baumspitz from Hollendische Cacao Stube. The cute illustration conveys the cheerful mood of spring, and inside the box is a white chocolate-coated Baumkuchen with a fresh lemon flavor, perfect for this season.
Works 2022.03.22 Jenny Bowers for Hacci
Jenny Bowers has designed the packaging for the Honey Facial Cleansing Soap Travel Size 2022 Spring/Summer Collection from the honey beauty brand Hacci. The design evokes a gorgeous spring atmosphere and the freshness of summer. Now on sale in stores! Perfect as a gift!
Works 2022.01.14 Jenny Bowers x HOLLANDISCHE KAKAO-STUBE Valentine Packaging
Continuing last year's successful collaboration, Jenny Bowers has illustrated another limited edition Valentine's Day package for Holländische Cacao Stube. This year's illustration depicts the city of Hanover, the capital of Lower Saxony, Germany, where the main store of Holländische Cacao Stube is located, and one of the political, economic, and cultural centers of Northern Germany. The result is a happy and colorful illustration perfect for Valentine's Day. These cocoa-filled Baumkuchen will make great gifts this upcoming holiday!
Works 2022.01.11 Kirsten Ulve x Rakuten Luxury Beauty
Rakuten LUXURY BEAUTY has launched a webstore at Rakuten Ichiba, where only authorized stores of luxury beauty brands have been curated. Kirsten Ulve has been chosen to illustrate the shop. In this collaboration project between VOGUE and Rakuten LUXURY BEAUTY, we introduce some recommendations to improve your luck according to the 12 signs of the zodiac. Please take a look. FORTUNE BEAUTY :
Works 2022.01.04 masaki ryo. x Kyorin University 2022 Calendar
Masaki Ryo for Kyorin University. His vibrant paintings depict a lively campus filled with activities. Available as a 2022 calendar!
Works 2021.12.13 Kiyomi Saito x Fujifilm New Year Greeting Cards
Fujifilm's New Year's cards from Kiyomi Saito are now available again this year! It's already December, and if you've been putting off making New Year's cards, there's still time! Fujifilm Nengajo
Works 2021.12.06 Jenny Bowers x HOLLANDISCHE KAKAO-STUBE Xmas
HOLLANDISCHE KAKAO-STUBE is a German confectionery with over 100 years of history. Jenny Bowers has illustrated their Japan-exclusive Christmas package!
Works 2021.12.02 Jessie Hartland x Boul'ange Christmas Card
BOUL'ANGE is offering a limited edition product for the holiday season! Each product comes with an illustrated message card drawn by Jessie Hartland. All of the products are delicious and cute and make great gifts❣️
Works 2021.12.02 Alanna Cavanagh x Keihan Department Store Xmas
Alana Cavanagh has created a beautiful Christmas illustration for the Keihan Department Store. A scene of cute elves bustling about getting ready for the holiday season is perfect for the coming holiday season!
Works 2021.10.13 maiko sembokuya x GINZA mag.
Maiko Sembokuya illustrated for GINZA Nov. issue. The article features 16 tips for fashionable hair styling.
Works 2021.09.16 Jessie Hartland x BOUL'ANGE
Jessie Hartland has illustrated a novelty handkerchief produced to commemorate the grand opening of the bakery chain BOUL'ANGE in Shin Shizuoka Cenova. The illustration is also displayed in the store, so please stop by if you are ever in the neighborhood. The croissants are highly recommended! <<BOUL'ANGE New Shizuoka Senova Store>> Opening on September 22, 2021 For five days from 9/22 (Wed.) to 9/26 (Sun.), the first 30 customers to purchase over 1,620 yen (plus tax) each day will receive an original handkerchief drawn by Jessie Hartland!
Features 2021.08.16 #424D99 English Adaptation
The first issue of Sevnzel's seminal graphic novel series #424D99 will be released soon in a blister-packaged form! CWC Agent and translator Isaac Wong has lent a helping hand to create the English version of the story and has been credited as Asica. For more information, please visit the #424D99 website and the SSS website! Visit Atmos Sendagaya for the #424D99 Exhibition from August 28th to September 5th.
Features 2021.07.29 Yuri Shimojo for FRAU Magazine
FRaU SDGs Magazine has commissioned Yuri Shimojo to illustrate their Good Things for Gender Equality article, listing products that are useful on a day-to-day basis for a spectrum of genders, from the Feminine to the Non-Binary.
Features 2021.07.27 Alanna Cavanagh for Vogue Japan
Alanna Cavanagh has contributed her illustrations to the August issue of Vogue Japan. Her diagrams will teach readers how to stretch and tone their muscles from the desk, staying active while working from home!
Works 2021.07.13 Stina Persson & Amy Van Luijk for MOO:D MARK
Stina Persson and Amy Van Luijk illustrated beautiful gift cards for
the online shopping site MOO:D MARK .
Works 2021.07.09 Andrew Bylo for Dessin 2021 AW
Andrew Bylo illustrated the main visual for the fashion brand Dessin 2021 Fall/Winter.
Works 2021.07.09 Emily Eldridge for ELLE Japan Aug.
Emily Eldridge illustrated for ELLE Japan Aug. issue "Body Positive" article.
Features 2021.05.10 Mitti x Maria Carluccio "Over The Rainbow" Video Promos
Watch Mitti's "Over the Rainbow" promotional videos featuring Maria Carluccio!
Features 2021.05.11 Jeffrey Fulvimari x Ora2 Commercials
Ora2 and Jeffrey Fulvimari have joined forces once again! Watch the most recent Ora2 commercial and up to the very first collaboration of the series.
Works 2021.05.07 Mitti x Maria Carluccio
With coordination and production by CWC, Maria Carluccio has teamed up with Chinese children's clothes brand Mitti to create artwork for their new Over the Rainbow art capsule collaboration collection.
Maria Carluccio took inspiration from Mitti's philosophy on nature and The Wizard of Oz to create art about rainbows, hope, and love by utilizing splashes of vivid colors.
Mitti is a brand that believes that nature, love, and art play an essential role in the lives of children, committed to passing on beautiful experiences to help foster them.
Check out the collection by clicking here! Shop their new season here!
Works 2021.04.07 Emily Eldridge for ASOKO de Art
Emily Eldridge and goods and sundries store ASOKO bring to you the second collection of their popular "Asoko de ART " project! Featuring a variety of practical and pretty items, such as mini eco-bags and mask cases. Be sure to be seen with these bright, vivid items available now at the ASOKO Online Store.
Works 2021.03.08 Marcus Oakley x LAZY OAF
Check out Marcus Oakley's collaboration with London-based LAZY OAF! This collection prominently features Marcus' whimsical illustrations on casual T's, statement shirts, bucket hats, and convenient side-bags. Shop now at their online store here!
Works 2021.02.15 masaki ryo for NEBEL Tohoku Calendar
Nebel Tohoku has reached out to Masaki Ryo for their 2021 Calendar. Each illustration is a beautiful depiction of the coming season!
Works 2021.02.10 Emily Eldridge x VOGUE JAPAN
For the March issue of Vogue Japan, Emily Eldridge illustrates "Beauty's New Direction", an article covering new movements in self-care. Available online and in bookstores everywhere in Japan.
Works 2021.02.10 Laura Denton Chinese New Year campaign for Shaghai iapm
In honor of the year of the Cow, Shangai iapm will have a glorious display of New Years decorative installations with original cow sculpture designs by Laura Denton. Visitors can enjoy the cheerful visuals and charming cows to celebrate the Chinese New Year.
*Read more press here *
Works 2021.02.12 Eveline Tarunadjaja creates New Year cows for Tai Po Mega Mall
Eveline Tarundajaja designed four original cow sculptures to usher in the year of the cow. The Chinese New Year event is a major event for Tai Po Mega Mall in New Territories, China. Along side her good luck cows visitors can take photos in the environments with many good luck symbols to ensure a bright start to the new year.
Works 2021.02.06 Jeffrey Fulvimari for Year of the Cow at APM Hong Kong
Jeffrey Fulvimari recently collaborated with apm shopping center in Hong Kong for a special year of the cow installation featuring his original designs. The immersive space celebrates Chinese New Year.
The one of a kind cow sculptures are in bright red and gold environments to bring auspicious wishes to everyone who visits.
View this post on Instagram*Additional Press*
Works 2021.02.04 Clare Owen for Fika Valentine Limited Packaging
Clare Owen has been commissioned to design a limited edition Valentine's Day package for Fika, a popular Scandinavian sweets specialty store launched by Isetan Shinjuku. The boxes contain an assortment of delicious Northern European cookies, a small piece of Scandinavia!
Works 2021.01.26 Jenny Bowers x HOLLANDISCHE KAKAO-STUBE Valentine Package
Jenny Bowers has illustrated a limited edition Valentine's Day package from Holländische Kakao-Stube. This year's theme is an amusement park, which conveys a fun atmosphere full of love. It's a great gift for someone special or a treat for yourself.
Holländische Kakao-Stube 2021 Valentine's Day products Available at: Holländische Kakao-Stube stores Product price / Sales period ・Kakao Baumspitz ¥1,782 (tax included) Sales period: Saturday, January 9 - Late February ・Classic Baum ¥1,296 (tax included) Sales period: January 13 (Wed) - February 14 (Sun) ・Chocoladen ¥2,052 (tax included) Sales period: January 13 (Wed.) - February 14 (Sun.) ・Bretzeln ¥1,296 (tax included) Sales period: January 13 (Wed.) - February 14 (Sun.) ・Margaretenkuchen (Chocolade) ¥2,376 (tax included) (available only at Ginza Mitsukoshi and Isetan Shinjuku stores) Sales period: January 13 (Wed) - February 14 (Sun) Sales will end when all items are gone.
Works 2020.11.27 Laura Denton for NEWoMan Christmas
Laura Denton's illustrations will be bringing in the merry cheer from all over the world at NEWoMan this Christmas season.
While the campaign lasts, you will receive a Christmas card for each of the five continents drawn by Laura at the exhibit! Find them in front of the south elevator on the 3rd floor, in front of the escalator stairwell going up on the 5th floor, and in front of the Hokuroku Sousui on the 6th floor.
Works 2020.11.27 Michael Bartalos for Target
Michael Bartalos has designed a wrap-around mural for Cupertino's Target store, just blocks from Apple headquarters.Reflecting Cupertino's verdant landscape and orchards, the artwork features trees and animals of various varieties.The mural consists of three main sections, all digitally printed on aluminum panels. The first two form the corner of the building.On the corner is a “tree swing” to encourage visitors to take pictures with the art.Along the west wall, there's signage with a brief artist biography and information about the imagery.Around the periphery are outdoor benches with planted trees in the middle. -
Works 2020.11.25 Brolga "Crack Open Happy" For Happy Egg
Brolga has contributed his unmistakably unique style for US-based egg producer Happy Egg Co.'s animated commercial.
Check out the joyous eggy advert below! Happy Egg - Crack Open Happy! from Margaret Bialis on Vimeo.
Works 2020.11.13 Berry Aktugulu x Afternoon Tea Christmas
Christmas is just around the corner!
Afternoon Tea and Berry Aktuglu bring to you a spacey holiday illustration!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Works 2020.11.12 Jenny Bowers x HOLLANDISCHE KAKAO-STUBE Christmas Package
HOLLANDISCHE KAKAO-STUBE has reached out to our very own Jenny Bowers to illustrate their new box of Christmas treats. Scenes and characters from the Nutcracker decorate this package filled to the brim with assorted cookies and Baumkuchen, perfect as a gift, or to share with friends and family, or even to treat yourself with! Click here to find a store near you!
Works 2020.10.07 tomoto x 3 COINS Disney Halloween
Since October 5th, a series of Disney themed Halloween goods has been released! All illustrations by tomoto.
Get party goods and more at the 3COINS near you!
Works 2020.09.23 CWC Artists for AllSaints
ART AND ALLSAINTS Part 2 begins! The second consecutive installment of the "ART AND ALLSAINTS" project, which began last year, is a collaboration between fashion brand AllSaints and four CWC illustrators. Naoko Yoshida, Emily Eldridge, Samantha Hahn, and Laura Denton will each draw a unique and pop illustration. Choose a favorite from the four, put it up on your Instagram, and get a chance to win a leather jacket inspired by the drawings! For more details, check out the AllSaints Instagram account! AllSaints Japan: @allsaintsjapan
Works 2020.09.10 Berry Aktuglu × U by SPICK & SPAN
A collaboration between Berry Aktugulu and the clothing brand "U by SPICK & SPAN" is in the works!
Berry has illustrated a limited edition embroidered T-shirt to be released soon! The girl in the illustration also has a "U" logo on her yoga mat.
T-shirts are limited in quantity! Some of the looks are already sold out, so check them out here!
Be sure to stop by the shop to see it in person!
Works 2020.08.26 Genie for Vantage and Parlophone Records
Creating her own high Sci-Fi sensibilities, Genie has created a cruising image of the future!
Parlophone Records, whose notable artists include legends such as the Beatles, Queen, and Radiohead, has reached out to Genie to create this iconic album art for the future funk artist Vantage. Check out the single! Click for more Genie Liang.
Features 2020.08.26 Mushbuh on SuperRare
Our resident 3D graphics artist and entrepreneur Mushbuh has been making fascinating headway into the blockchain art trading world.
SuperRare is an online marketplace that helps artists and buyers meet to make trades, with one unique twist. All sales are made on the blockchain, specifically using a cryptocurrency called Ethereum. Mushbuh, being familiar with bitcoin from previous ventures, has been making a huge wave in this environment so far, with his artwork being cumulatively worth around 27.5 Eth or over 10,000 USD at the time of this writing.
For Mushbuh's page on SuperRare, click HERE! Take a look at his portfolio by clicking HERE!
Works 2020.08.24 Emily Eldridge × ASOKO de ART
Emily Eldridge has collaborated with ASOKO along the theme of "Bringing Art Closer to Home"!
Emily's bright, pop, and cute sensibilities are now available in tote bag and pouch form. Grab her ever-popular "Tinderella" illustration as an everyday use tote!
Check out ASOKO STORE for more art items. We hope you enjoy Emily's work!
Japanese actor Ryo Yoshizawa wears KENZO MINAMI's "DEAD FEELINGS" SS2020 tie-dye T-shirt on the cover of "DVD ShiRyo", his debut fan DVD!
This photograph will also be featured as a drawing on the cover of this week's upcoming Big Comic Magazine! Check it out with this season of "DEAD FEELINGS", available at NEPENTHES!
Works 2020.07.15 ALBION PHILOSOPHY × Nina Chakrabarti
Nina Chakrabarti made an illustration for the newly opened "ALBION PHILOSOPHY" NEWoMan Yokohama store!
Based on the concept of "Let's go get Happy.", you can experience the philosophy of Albion's beauty in this store.
Nina drew a plant that is actually researched and cultivated in Albion!
A wonderful event is being held, so please be safe and come to visit! Nina's colorful and fun illustration is here!
Works 2020.07.14 Mushbuh × Fangamer × Namco Bandai for Katamari Damacy
Bandai Namco and Fangamer has reached out to Mushbuh to create this vibrant Katamari Damacy poster, featuring everyone's favorite Prince of the Cosmos and a few of his cousins!
You can practically hear Katamari On The Swing emanating from this beautiful Fangamer exclusive.
Pick yours up today by clicking THIS LINK!
Works 2020.06.26 Ora2 me × Jeffrey Fulvimari
Works 2020.06.16 ASOKO de DORAEMON HELLO KITTY × Kazuhiko Ifuku
A new collaboration between popular characters and ASOKO and Ifuku kazuhiko arrivals!
This time, Doraemon and Hello Kitty appear together!! Collaboration items range from kitchen accessories to pouches and masking tape. They have fun and colorful items. Please buy it at the nearby ASOKO store! Click here for a list of items. Here is a fun illustration full of humor of Ifuku Kazuhiko.
Works 2020.05.26 Emily Eldridge for fiamma espresso
Emily Eldridge designed this limited edition for Portugal's Espresso Coffee Machine Company "fiamma espresso"!
This design expresses the pleasure, delicious taste and positive feeling that a cup of coffee brings ☕️
Please enjoy Emily's bold coloring and playful pop illustrations here! 60% of the project's revenue will go toward supporting art and culture. Check out the project as well! Click here for #ALL THE ARTISTS initiatives of fiamma espresso.
Works 2020.05.26 Samantha Hahn × The New York Times
Samantha Hahn is working on an illustration for The New York Times "D.I.Y. at Home" series.
This is a special feature on D.I.Y that prepares presents for loved ones who have not seen each other for a long time. This time, how to make a "SWEETHEART" T-shirt with embroidery. They also introduce tie-dye socks and capes made with blankets.
Please try to make it at home time! You can read more on The New York Times here. Please check Samantha's beautiful watercolor art works here.
Works 2020.05.19 Lisa Grue × ONE DREAM
Lisa Glue made the main visual of "ONE DREAM" again this year!
Starting from Hiroshima, the symbol of peace, "ONE DREAM" is an event to connect people of the world with music, dance, and art, and to expand a culture that recognizes all kinds of diversity. This summer will be a more significant event than usual. You can also see Lisa's illustration on the official website of "ONE DREAM". Check out the event details here. Click here for Lisa's sustainability illustration and life style.
Works 2020.05.13 masaki ryo. for TIOVITA
TIOVITA totebags by masaki ryo is now available at the drug store in Japan!
Works 2020.05.12 Sarah Hankinson × Cadbury
Works 2020.05.11 Yuri Shimojo for Cuisine Kingdom
Yuri Shimojo illustrated for Cuisine Kingdom magazine June/July issue.
Works 2020.05.11 Stina Persson for Anthropologie
Stina Persson’s new collaborataion wih Anthropologie. [video width="1164" height="1200" mp4=""][/video]
Works 2020.04.23 Cocoonist x Tifalia
Works 2020.04.17 Berry Aktuglu for Anthropologie!
Berry Akutuglu is making a campaign illustration for Mother's Day in Anthropologie!
"Strong As A Mother"A very cute dish towel is available on the website.
Please check it out as a Mother's Day gift form here.
Works 2020.04.10 Stefania Tejada for Porta+Canda
Stefania Tejada presents this new work in collaboration with Mexican Bag Brand Porta+Canda.
This illustration was brought to you by "Artistic Playground" from togæther, a French art project agency that specializes in corporate art and brand campaigns, the goal of which is to make art and art creation accessible to everyone. Stefania's portrayal of a confident woman carrying a Porta+Canda bag comes naturally and beautifully, as are all of her most feminine works. Check her profile for more examples!
Works 2020.04.21 LULU* × The New York Times
LULU * has created an illustration of a column by Sarah Firshein about "travel" on The New York Times!
You can read the column here. Please check out the illustration of LULU*, which is widely used in the advertisement of fashion brand and editorial design.
Works 2020.03.17 Stefania Tejada for adidas Paris
Stefania Tejada's latest work will be displayed at Adidas Paris!
Her work features a crew of strong characters deep in a forest scene. If you are interested in Stefania's strong willed women and botanical themes, check her artist page out!
Works 2020.03.09 Lisa Grue for Lille Løv
Lisa Grue has contributed visuals and a logo for Lille Løv, a kid's brand from Denmark!
Lisa's thorough insight into natural living is very apparent in these beautiful illustrations!
Her sustainable way of living is well documented in her Instagram. Click on the links below to check it out! Lisa Grue Instagram Lisa Grue -Summer will be back- Instagram
Works 2020.03.05 Stina Persson for EPOCA 2020 SS
Stina Persson collaborated with EPOCA for 2020 Spring Sumer collection. EPOCA created beautiful dresses and T-shirt using her illustrations. They are available at the store right now!
Works 2020.03.03 Chico Hayasaki for Afternoon Tea
Chico Hayasaki's illustration cherry blossoms for Afternoon Tea 2020 spring.
Works 2020.06.18 Lisa Grue for Toyota Home
Lisa Grue's iconic sunshine illsutration was used for Toyota Homes new housing in Higashiura.
Works 2020.02.12 Stephen Bliss with SC Media's 30th anniversary magazine cover
SC Media has been a cybersecurity information portal for 30 years, sharing industry expert guidance and insight, in-depth features and timely news, and independent product reviews in various content forms in partnership with and for top-level information security executives and their technical teams.
Works 2020.02.07 Stephen Bliss for the Washington Post
This year's election for president of the United States might be the most important election, ever. Washington Post movie critic, Ann Hornaday compiled a list of the best 34 political movies. Stephen Bliss illustrated the leading actor from each of these movies
Works 2020.05.28 Marcus Oakley for Osaka Gakuin University
Marcus Oakley illustrated yearly visual for Osaka Gakuin University.
Works 2020.02.05 Dessin Winter 2019 by Andrew Bylo
Works 2020.02.03 The next set of designs for BOUL'ANGE cookie cans by Stefania Tejada
These are very nice packages and the cookies and the bread are very delicious, so please stop by a BOUL'ANGE near you.
BOUL'ANGE @baycrews @stefaniatejada . . . #boulange #baycrews #stefaniatejada #pattern #patterndesign #flowerillustration #fashion #fashionillustration #fashionpattern #package #package design #art #illustration #cwctokyo #cwcillustration
Works 2020.02.03 3COINS × ONE PIECE?☠️
tomoto did the illustrations for One Piece items that go on sale on Saturday, February 1!
. This Popular character collaboration series✨will absolutely sell out, so please be sure not to miss the release date. . @asokojpn @tomotoillustrations. . . #Repost @ 3coins_official with @get_repost * Sold at 3COINS and 3COINS + plus, 3COINS OOOPS !, 3COINS station, ASOKO + 3COINS Ikspiari Maihama store and colle nationwide from February 1, 2020 (Sat). ⠀ ⠀ A total of 56 items including bags, pouches, kitchens, travel and mobile items are now available! This lineup is based on character features such as Luffy's “hair elastic” that ate rubber gum, Zoro's technique, “rice ball porch” inspired by demon swords, and Nami's “money” that loves money. Playful items will appear. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ * Up to 3 items for each product and each color per account. ⠀ * Restrictions may be canceled depending on the status of each store. ⠀ ⠀ * "3COINS x ONE PIECE" items cannot be reserved or ordered. The number of each product is limited. Please note that when sold out. ⠀ ⠀ * Please refrain from purchasing for resale purposes. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ * Numbered tickets may be distributed by stores. Please contact each store for inquiries. ⠀
Works 2020.02.03 KENZO MINAMI × Reebok Zig Kinetica
"I am releasing a small capsule collection with @reebok as the first collaborator for their new project R58 - The moniker which nods to 1958, the year Joe and Jeff Foster founded Reebok."
And this “ZIG KINETICA x R58 by KENZO MINAMI” is one of the 2 shoes (along with 2 T-shirts) being released. The other model is Instapump Fury. 『Today, global sportswear brand Reebok announces the Zig Kinetica x R58, a limited-edition sneaker with a sole designed for energy return and a fashion upper designed by Kenzo Minami. Built for athletic performance yet engineered to transcend its sport-based origins, Zig Kinetica x R58 celebrates the defiant attitude embodied by brand founders Joe and Jeff Foster, who left their parents’ business in 1958 and set out on their own in search of the future of athletic footwear. Embodying the pioneering spirit of Reebok’s founders and named after the year Reebok started, the R58 series features unique collaborations with groundbreaking designers. Enter Kenzo Minami. Having designed one of the most coveted and exclusive Reebok Instapump Fury colorways of all time, Kenzo Minami, a pioneering graphic artist whose future-forward designs have pushed the boundaries of style for decades, fuses the advanced performance technology of Zig with his disruptive style for this limited-edition sneaker. “The concept of this Zig Kinetica is the abstract interpretation of time and space – breaking through the barrier, going into warp speed, distortion of the space, dimensional jump, and so on,” said KenzoMinami. “I also wanted the silhouette to suggest the abstract impressions of a launching pad and rocket booster, which themselves are made of sound waves, shock waves, signals & patterns, and abstract representations of time and space combined.”』 #reebok #reebokclassic #zigkinetica #kenzominami…/zig-kinetica-x-kenzo-m…/FW9463.html
Works 2020.05.29 Chico Hayasaki for amenimo
Chico Hayasaki collaborated with amenimo.
Works 2020.01.17 Stina Persson for ifc mall in Shanghai
Stina's illustration used for the IFC Shopping mall promotional calendar in Shanghai, China.
The art director took Stina's available work and adapted it for this calendar.
Chinese New Year is the time when children get money in red envelopes. These are special. It is the Year of the Rat. Do you see the golden rat? he Rat is the first of all zodiac animals. According to one myth, the Jade Emperor said the order would be decided by the order in which they arrived to his party. The Rat tricked the Ox into giving him a ride. Then, just as they arrived at the finish line, Rat jumped down and landed ahead of Ox, becoming first. The Rat is also associated with the Earthly Branch (地支—dì zhī) Zi (子) and the midnight hours. In the terms of yin and yang (阴阳—yīn yáng), the Rat is yang and represents the beginning of a new day. In Chinese culture, rats were seen as a sign of wealth and surplus. Because of their reproduction rate, married couples also prayed to them for children.
Works 2020.01.17 Basia Grzybowska Flores for Tsuruga International Cultural Festival
Tsuruga City in Fukui Prefecture is a port city on the Sea of Japan. It is known as the "Port of Humanity." This port accepted orphaned Polish children fleeing war-torn Siberia in 1920 and Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis in 1940. This port was the only place in Japan where these people could come ashore. In 1919, Poland had been overrun by both Germany and Russia. Many Polish people fled to Siberia and many of them died in the freezing cold. Russia was in the middle of civil war and the Japanese Red Cross rescued the orphan children. In 1920 and 1922, a total of 763 Polish orphan children arrived by Japanese ships at Tsuruga port from Vladivostok. Many Japanese people took care of them in Tokyo and Osaka, and after children had recovered from their ordeal, they returned to Poland after several months of stay. In 1939, Nazi Germany invaded Poland. Many Jewish people escaped towards the east. Their destination was America, but their path led them through Siberia and Japan. Many of them entered Lithuania, a neutral country. But Lithuania was also threatened by the Soviet Union. In 1940, they flocked to Japanese Consulate in Kaunas. All the consulates were ordered closed by the Soviets. Chiune Sugihara, the Japanese consulate representative, issued several thousands of transit visas in a month, on humanitarian grounds.With these visas, Jews headed to Japan by Trans-Siberian Railway and were able to reach Tsuruga safely.
Basia Grzybowska Flores, is a Polish illustrator, a creative spirit from Poland, currently lives & draws in Cracow.
Works 2020.01.17 Maiko Sembokuya for Fujingahō Magazine
Fujingahō is a women's pictorial magazine, very glossy on higher-than-usual paper and with many pages. Maiko Sembokuya is drawing illustrations for a health page series. This feature covers the healthy habits that will enable us all to live until we are 100 years-old!
Works 2020.01.17 Jenny Bowers for ISETAN BEAUTY
Jenny Bowers for the “ISETAN BEAUTY” illustration in VOGUE JAPAN
Works 2020.01.17 Marcus Oakley × Apple “The Big Draw”
Works 2020.02.07 Kirsten Ulve for Keio Department Store
Kirsten Ulve did illustration for Keio Department Store Autumn catalogue.
Works 2020.01.17 FAB.PO × masaki ryo.
Masaki Ryo's illustrations were used to promote new FAB.PO beauty items!
Works 2020.01.17 Samantha Hahn for VOGUE JAPAN
Samantha Hahn in VOGUE JAPAN November issue, "Power of the Cell Awake!" Rejuvenate the cells in your body with the proper food, exercise, and lifestyle!
Works 2020.01.20 Laura Denton × Clé de Peau Beauté × VOGUE JAPAN
Laura Denton did the illustration for Clé de Peau Beauté in Vogue Japan. "It is your destiny to upgrade your lip color..."
Using numerology, a lip color guide will help you choose what will help you upgrade your life!
Works 2020.01.20 Lisa Grue for HAVE A LOOK
Works 2020.01.20 Ifuku Kazuhiko for Asoko de ONE PIECE
Ifuku's collaboration with Asoko and popular licensed characters sells out every time! This collaboration is with ONE PIECE!
On sale from 8/3 (Sat). From stationery to kitchen goods, bags and pouches, playing cards There are 94 fun items.
Works 2020.01.21 Afternoon Tea Summer Kitchen items x Jenny Bowers
Jenny Bowers did the illustrations for the Afternoon Tea summer kitchen items.
Fish sponges in the kitchen with sealed containers and dish clothes!
Works 2020.01.21 tomoto × 3COINS × TOY STORY!!
July 13, "Toy Story" goods by Tomoto will released by 3Coins!
Party on with festive tableware!
Goods from stationary to kitchen items!
Works 2020.01.21 Stina Persson × CLUOH
Stina Persson collaborates with Portuguese accessory brand, "CLUOH"!
Stina creates dynamic, colorful and beautiful work. They were dropped on scarves, t-shirts, pouches and scarves. Very nice! !
Works 2020.01.21 tomoto for Children's Pocket English Challenge
Tomoto's warm and gentle illustration graces the cover of Bennesse's "Children's Pocket English Challenge." This English language program utilizes toys, DVD video, and books to help children learn English.
Works 2020.01.21 Masaki Ryo for Tokyu Card, 2019 S/S
Masaki Ryo's illustration for the Tokyu Department Card for Spring/Summer 2019.
Works 2020.01.21 Afternoon Tea Gift Catalogue by Nina Chakrabarti
Afternoon Tea gift catalog illustrations by Nina Chakrabarti.
Works 2020.01.21 Jenny Bowers for ENGLISH JOURNAL
Jenny Bowers has new a series from the April issue in the English learning information magazine “ENGLISH JOURNAL”!
Jenny's columns have colorful and fun illustrations and come with ten simple questions help you speak on a range of topics!
Works 2020.01.21 Stina Persson for EPOCA
Stina Person has created surface design and lettering for EPOCA!!
Works 2020.01.21 tomoto × 3COINS × Doraemon
The popular 3Coins Doraemon series from Tomoto is back!
Last year, this series sold out almost immediately. This year there are 68 items of stationary, tableware, watches, earphones, and zakka. Some of them are below.
Works 2020.01.21 Juchheim Valentine limited package by Samantha Hahn
Just for Valentine's Day!
Works 2020.01.21 YA series book covers by Yohey Horishita
The Putnam YA series by Traci Chee, "The Reader," "The Speaker," and "The Storyteller," book covers were all illustrated by Yohey Horishita.
Works 2020.01.22 Ifuku Kazuhiko for Asoko x Dragonball!
The popular Ifuku-ASOKO collaboration continues with Dragonball, dropping on Dec 15!
These items sell out quickly, so get them while they're hot!
Works 2020.01.22 RMK Christmas by Laura Denton
Canadian illustrator and art director, Laura Denton, created these simple but powerful line drawings for the annual RMK Christmas special set.
Works 2020.01.22 tomoto × 3COINS × Dr.Slump & Arale-chan
Released on Saturday, December 1! Popular 3COINS artist collaboration! This time it's tomoto is collaborating with Dr. Slump Arale!
From room fragrances to tableware and stationery, there are lots of fun items!
Works 2020.01.23 Strawberry Saku Saku Panda!
Jeffrey Fulvimari's illustration is on the new strawberry Saku Saku Panda package!
Works 2020.01.23 ZOJIRUSHI x Artist Collaboration
Zojirushi will release artist collaboration stainless steel thermoses with Lisa Glue and Nina Chakrabartti this spring!
Works 2020.01.29 Omae Megumi & Jillian Phillips
Omae Megumi and Jillian Phillips's fabric will be released through the “Creator’s Room,” a brand developed by fashion brand, Sojitsu!
Works 2020.01.29 Canal4℃ x masaki ryo.
"Happy Birthstone for you"-12 thoughts in birthstone- Masaki Ryo illustrated the birthstone campaign on the 4°C Canal website. He drew 12 women to match the image of each birthstone.
Works 2020.01.29 Jessie Hartland x Yoshida & Co.
Jessie Hartland illustrated and designed the Christmas gift wrapping for Yoshida's bags.
Works 2020.01.29 Afternoon Tea x Morinaga x Jessie Hartland
Jesse has drawn illustrations for the Afternoon Tea and Morinaga collaboration. She drew a cute illustration of a cookie that everyone knows. We are giving away a wrapping set with the illustration on it at the store for three days from 9/20~9/22.
Works 2020.05.29 Jeffrey Fulvimari for CREER
Jeffrey Fulvimari illustrated for CREER cleansing water.
Works 2020.01.29 Jenny Bowers x Keihan Department Store
Jenny's illustrations featured the theme of Cinderella for Keihan Department Store Christmas visuals. You could see them from the exterior to the interior.
Works 2020.05.28 Samantha Hahn for Afternoon Tea 2019 Summer
Samantha Hahn collaborated with Afternoon Tea for their summer collection.
Works 2020.01.29 Jeffrey Fulvimari x Kose “FASIO” New Product!
There's a new product coming out soon, with package illustrations by Jeffrey Fulvimari!
Works 2020.01.29 Beauty to Abandon Illustration by Naoko Yoshida
Naoko Yoshida did the illustrations for the book by make-up artist Hiro Odagiri's book "New rules for adult beauty: beauty to throw away." The how-to message illustrations are drawn in an easy-to-understand manner. It is a very educational book, so please buy it at a bookstore!
Works 2020.01.17 Jeffrey Fulvimari collaborates with Peters Mountain Works
Jeffrey Fulvimari collaborated with John Peters, mountaineer and creator of messenger bags, to make these limited edition bags!
PMW is a brand that was founded in Woodstock, NY. where Jeffrey lives. There are many creative people here that collaborate together. This surface design is a bit of a departure from Jeffrey’s signature style that shows the depth and breadth of his creative vision.
Works 2019.12.09 Francois Avril collaboration with ensuite
The new collaboration t-shirt by Francois Avril and Japanese apparel brand “ensuite/ensuite -lumiere-” is now available at the store!
Works 2020.01.17 Blythe Models For Yahoo! Japan
Blythe "Playful Raindrops" is currently working as a campaign model for Yahoo! s new service "Furima Mode" as a campaign model for their TV commercial and website! If you haven't seen it yet, please check out the link below❤︎ [:] [:]
Works 2020.02.20 Nina Chakrabarti x PLAZA
Nina Chakrabarti illustrated PLAZA summer stationary series.
Works 2019.03.17 Andrew Bylo for Dessin, Spring 2018
Dessin is a development company that captures a wide range of fashion with a sense of seasonality. This time, Andrew Bailo painted the island of Maui! Even though it's always summer in Hawaii, we still feel the fresh breeze of spring.